Tuesday, March 6, 2012

10 Years and Counting....

 On February 4th, Del and I celebrated our 10 year Dating Anniversary!
On our first date, on February 4th 2002, we went to the thrift store with $5 each to pick out an outfit for each other....and whatever we picked out we had to wear to the mall where we had lunch.
...And this was the result! haha. {Can we say "Freshman 15?!!}

Now, with 10 years of "togetherness" under our belt...I felt like we should celebrate in the same way it all began! So we packed up the car and headed to the local Thrift Store....and this was the result. Ha.
It's amazing how much has happened in the last 10 years...but the one of things that has remained the same is...Del is still in school! ha. Sometimes it feels like this training will never end...but at least we are on the tail end of this phase of it! :)

We didn't go to the food court for lunch this year...but we did discuss how funny this will be when Davis gets older and we drag him along for our 20 year dating anniversary! Poor kid, this is only the beginning! :)
I wish we had done this each year up to this point....but it's never too late to start!
May you never stop dating your mate!!

1 comment:

  1. you guys... this is hilarious! and you got your '12 halloween costumes on lock down now too. del = nerdy space camp kid; chel = well, pumpkin obviously; davis = kid prematurely rolling his eyes at his parents.


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