Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Meet Me Here Monday.....I mean Wednesday?!?: Summer Bible Study

Major Blogging Fail on my part.
Yep, It's Wednesday....and I am JUST NOW getting to my "Meet Me Here Monday" Blog Post.
So sorry. I know you probably feel a deep void/longing in your life because you didn't get to start your week off with my Monday Blog Post.....ha. YEAH RIGHT!!

But if you are feeling a longing in your spirit for something greater {especially greater than a Blog Post}, then maybe you're like me and need to get your rear-end in the Word and start your Summer Bible Study!

We have a group that is meeting together this summer, and we will be studying Priscilla Shirer's Study: One in a Million. 

I can't wait to see how God uses this study to change each of our lives so that we aren't just your typical church-goers....but rather living the Abundant Life of Christ. I don't know about you....but I know God better and in a more intimate way at the end of the Summer.

There are so many great studies out there. I hope you have something going or a group to meet with this summer....and if not, email me because we'd love for you to join our group!

Happy Studying!

1 comment:

mustard seed said...

wow! that study sounds GOOD! I've got goosebumps just from watching the video.

I feel like God shows me how I truly love Him in the Summer. When there's no BSF, no accountability....and I don't like what I see :(