Saturday, September 26, 2009

Another Great Birthday

Last Tuesday, I turned the BIG 2-6!! That's right...I'm now closer to 30, than I am to 20. It's a little hard to swallow but, I feel like it's going to be a good year....well, it at least started out good.

As I was driving to Bible Study, I was led by this beautiful sunrise.
Then, as I was pulling out of Chick-fil-a, with Del and I's breakfast, there was a rainbow!
After that, I truly had the thought, "Twenty-six is going to be a great year!" And not 3 minutes later...I got a flat tire. :) That was really the only "bad thing" that happened that day, and it wasn't even that bad.
It wasn't that bad because I have a great husband that skipped class to change the flat. It wasn't just any flat, it was a HUGE slash in my tire. I would like to chalk it up to gang activity {b/c it sounds cooler} but I actually just hit a huge spike in our "driveway" that slashed the tire.

That night we went to a Med School Couples Bible Study. We've only met 2 times, but I can already tell that this study is going to be such a blessing to our lives. It's been great getting to know other couples from Del's class and to grow spiritually together.

So, 26 has had a great start so far...we will see what the rest of the year will bring!

1 comment:

stonebrookcottage said...

are you and your husband both in med school? I am working toward med school right now. Point blank: how hard is it? Be honest, i can handle it:)