Thursday, October 22, 2009

Meal Ministry

So, moving into a new house isn't the only thing we've been up to. The Monday after we moved in, Del went in to have surgery on his wrist. As it turns out, his wrist has been broken for 9 years. Yep, you read that right 9 years. He broke it his junior year in high school, and it just never healed. So, his Fall Break consisted of a lot of sleeping and movie watching.

But I don't know if he minded it too much. I was off work for Monday and Tuesday and my mom was also here until Tuesday to help out. It was a huge help to have her around. So, Thanks Mom!

But, when I had to go back to work on Wednesday, Burt did a good job of protecting Del has he rested and recovered.

Well, Maybe Not.

But the biggest blessing of all came on Tuesday night when a few couples from our Community Group brought us some meals to eat on for the rest of the week. I have never been the recipient of a meal in a time of need, and I can tell you right now, it was a life saver! Just to not have to worry about going to the store after I got of work, I was freed up to come straight home and just love on Del.

Thank you guys so much for all of your cards of encouragement and ministry through meals! They were SO appreciated. Now, I look forward to passing on that blessing to the next person in need!


Kari Beth said...

Burt is so cute!

HappyGoMommy! said...

Found your blog via Design Girl - I love it!